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Healthy Families Program
Are expecting a baby or have a baby less than 3 months old?
Are currently experiencing stressful life situations and could benefit from home visiting services?
Did you know services can last for up to five years depending on the needs of the family?
The Healthy Families Pasco-Hernando team strives to meet the needs of the families they serve on a day-to-day basis. They are flexible in their schedules to make visits convenient for families.
Our Family Assessment Workers strive to educate the families about our program and how it can benefit the family. They also connect with community resources such as hospitals, pregnancy centers, doctor’s offices, etc., to make sure no family in need is left not knowing about the Healthy Families program.
For those families who qualify for the program and agree to participate, the Resource Mom/Dad will provide home visits to educate families on child development and safety, encourage family interaction, and connect to community resources, all based on the particular family’s needs. A family specialist may be assigned to assist the family in crisis through additional therapeutic support.
These free and voluntary services are provided by a unique and exceptional group of individuals that aim to provide the best services possible to Pasco and Hernando Counties.
Bay Area Early Steps – (813) 974-0602 Hillsborough -Polk
West Central Early Steps (727)767-4403 Pasco-Pinellas-Hernando-Citrus
Early Steps is Florida's early intervention system that offers services to eligible infants and toddlers, age birth to 36 months, who have or are at-risk for developmental disabilities or delays. Early intervention supports families and caregivers to increase their child’s participation in daily activities and routines that are important to the family.
Positive early learning experiences are crucial for later success in school, the workplace, and the community. Research shows that children’s earliest experiences play a critical role in brain development.
15 Local Early Steps (LES) throughout the state receive referrals from various primary referral sources. Infants and toddlers are assessed in the following developmental domains to determine eligibility: physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional and adaptive.