727-312-7470 English Line
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Call to Schedule INDIVIDUAL - Parenting
CALL TO Schedule an individual class. = $225.00
Service Description
[CONVENIENCE SCHEDULING FOR INDIVIDUALS] CALL or Text: 727-312-7470 To Arrange Date, Time, And Location To receive a certificate of course completion, participant must bring a photo ID to the class. THE NAME MUST MATCH THE NAME ON YOUR CERTIFICATE. LifeAnew – “Think CHILDREN First” Course fulfills requirements of the administrative order for the Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course as required by Florida Law. The courses are a minimum of 4 hours and are designed to educate, train, and assist divorcing parents in regard to the consequences of divorce to parents and children, as required by Section 61.21, Florida Statutes These classes are scheduled for your convenience. Call us so we can schedule a time and location. If appropriate, we can bring the class to you, at a time and day of the week that is convenient to you. Some of the counties Our Parent Education & Family Stabilization Class is offered in are Pasco, Hernando, Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Polk. Call for availability. [The previously mentioned counties are in the following Judicial Circuits 5, 6 10, &13]. Every effort will be made to provide Completion Certificates the same day the class is completed for those who have pre-registered at least two days ahead. Individuals who do not make arrangements at least 2 days ahead of time will have their certificates mailed to them via US Postal Service, first class mail. Both parents are required to complete this course. They are NOT required to attend the class together. CLASS FOR 1 INDIVIDUAL - CANCELLATION POLICY CLASS FOR 1 INDIVIDUAL For cancellations, please contact us 48 hours in advance. NOTE: There is no fee to reschedule a class at least 24 hours ahead of time. Cancellations with AT LEAST 48-HOURS notice: For an individual [Convenience class] the cancellation fee is $25 Cancellations with LESS THAN 48-HOUR BUT GREATER THAN 24 HOURS notice: For an individual [Convenience class] the cancellation fee is $45 Cancellations with LESS THAN 24 HOUR NOTICE For an individual [Convenience class] the cancellation fee is $55 No Shows forfeit the entire amount.
Cancellation Policy
For Cancellations contact us at least 48 hours in advance. Go to our Cancellation Policies page for more details. To reschedule within 24 hours of your appointment, please call for the next available class. To see our cancellation policy, please see: https://www.lifeanewresources.com/cancellation-policies (Copy and Paste Link)
Contact Details
727 312 7470
At The ClubHouse 36212 Chickadee Ln, Zephyrhills, FL 33541, USA