727-312-7470 English Line
813-536-9883 Se habla Español.
Supporting Families During COVID-19
Please check out this website for information and suggestions for resources, tools and strategies to support you and your family.
We know parents are struggling to balance work, child care and self-care while keeping worries — both your children’s and your own — under control. You don’t have to do it alone.
Enfrentar el COVID-19: recursos para padres
Sabemos que los padres están tratando de equilibrar el trabajo, el cuidado de los hijos y el propio, mientras mantienen las preocupaciones de la familia entera bajo control. Usted no está solo. Nuestro equipo está aquí para ayudar.
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Face to Face Parent Education and Family Stabilization Class
For a class in a face to face classroom setting, Click on the above link and you will go to the Registration page and can see our schedule for the current month. We offer classes in Spanish and English. Give us a call if you have any questions. The numbers are listed below, at the bottom of the page.
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Convenience Classes For Parent Education and Family Stabilization
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Self-Directed Online class - NOT A LIVE CLASSROOM
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This is strictly an online class - THIS IS NOT A LIVE CLASSROOM. Please click the above link for more information. To date [10/04/20] these are not being accepted in some counties that still require live, face to face classes.
Click on CANCELLATION POLICY, above, for details on the Cancellation Policy.
To receive a partial refund for cancellations, you must contact us 48 hours in advance of your class date and time.