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Discover: Reinvent Yourself, Become Essential

Unlock Your Potential with On Course: Enroll Now for a Transformative Journey!

"The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life"
-Naval Ravikant
Seventy-five percent of jobs in our country that pay more than $35,000 require a college degree. Only 38% of Americans (one out of three) have a college degree
(about seventy million workers). The rest are locked out of all those kind of higher-paying jobs, with no upward mobility.
And even those with a college degree are still falling short in critical new skill areas.
"The skills and concepts one understands when they are in college are not always a perfect fit for their future jobs. In today’s day and age, we are so far past the time when you can learn everything you need to know for your career when you are twenty-two.”
Lisa Gevelber, Google Chief Marketing Officer

Today’s labor market demands are moving much quicker with the expansion of technology and the alternative flexible and accessible path forward is going to be based on acquiring new skills quickly and adapting to changing business trends as they arise.
As Alvin Toffler wrote in his seminal work, Future Shock, over 50 years ago,
"Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn."
This has never been more true than today.
**Learn, unlearn, and relearn theory is a vital cycle of gaining and applying knowledge, discarding out-of-date information, and gaining new information that builds upon and updates the previous knowledge. It involves staying current with the rapidly changing world and reflecting on one's own current opinions and beliefs to potentially revise them - exhibiting the open attitude of Shoshin or beginner's mind when approaching new concepts.**

**Shoshin (Japanese:) is a concept from Zen Buddhism meaning beginner's mind. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying, even at an advanced level, just as a beginner would.**

Skip Downing and Jonathan Brennan's
ON Course Program created a
curriculum that went beyond study skills to address the foundational needs of students and lifelong learners of all ages. On Course, causes students to examine and reflect on the causes of their successes and setbacks. It challenges students to go beyond the obvious and really delve into their motivations and mindsets and It also does a great job addressing study skills too.
Since its first publication in 1996 and with the Ninth Edition in 2023, On Course has become a market leader standing out in a crowded field of student success texts. This Ninth Edition has expanded its focus to include learners of all ages who are looking for strategies for success in College, Career, and Life.
The On Course program offers a comprehensive and interactive approach to learning what it takes to be successful, through pre and post self-evaluation questionnaire and exercises, introspective journaling, and cohort learning online with trained instructors over 15 weeks.

Your most valued commodity is TIME.
You can lose all your money
...and make it back.
You can heal from illness, but ...
You can NEVER recover
Lost TIME.
This 15-week ON COURSE hybrid online program offers a measurable Return on Time (and money) Invested (ROTI) as it helps participants better focus on what is holding them back from their own success in all areas of their lives and provides them useful tools for overcoming those often self-imposed blocks and barriers and then putting them back,
This 15-week ON COURSE hybrid online program offers a measurable Return on Time (and money) Invested (ROTI) as it helps participants better focus on what is holding them back from their own success in all areas of their lives and provides them useful tools for overcoming those often self-imposed blocks and barriers and then putting them back,